From / To Airport

From Haneda Airport or Narita Airport, please take the limousine bus.

From Haneda Airport

Fares Adult:¥1,300
Children (6 to 12 years old):¥650
Time required About 60 minutes

Reservations can be made from one month before riding.

Airport Limousine

From Narita Airport

Fares Adult:¥2,300
Children (6 to 12 years old):¥1,150
Time required About 90 minutes

Reservations are not required for the bus departing from Narita Airport.
For details and reservations, please visit the airport limousine official website.

Airport Limousine

To Airport

Reservations are required for the limousine bus bound for the airport.
To make a reservation at our hotel, please contact to bell captain desk on the 3rd floor or the Internet.
Reservations can be made from one month before riding.

For details and reservations, please visit the airport limousine official website.

Airport Limousine